Hello World!

My name is Rhauani Fazul, I am a third year student of bachelor of science in Computer Information Systems at Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM) in Brazil.

I am also a member of Programa de Educação Tutorial - PET (Tutorial Education Program) that is a project that aims to qualify the students through education, research and extension activities. Because, as you know, Information Technology is challenging, and yet dynamic, it requires people in the field to be keep learning and pushing the limit. So, PET is a way in which we can improve ourselves and try to help those who have interest in the area.

In this website, you can find a little about my college and research projects. I hope you like it!

Let's go!

Research Projects

Analysis and mapping of scientific articles based on bibliographic references

Currently, with the great volume of scientific publications in the world it is increasingly common to find articles from periodicals, journals, or conferences referencing several other publications and authors, which in turn, also refer other works with its research lines, in a way, correlated.

The main objective of this research project is the development of a tool for viewing citations of scientific articles. It is hoped that this tool will provide a clear and facilitated understanding by its users about a certain scientific area. Currently this is the research project in which I am involved at UFSM.

(Project number: 042024, year: 2016-present)

Analysis and Detection of Violations in the principle of Net Neutrality

The project has as its primary objective to delve deeper into the issues surrounding the net neutrality itself, such as the influence of legislation and the norms it imposes on how internet service providers should act and how to ensure that, in fact, these providers are dealing impartially and isonomically with received data packets.

Once new technologies have enabled internet service providers to view the applications that travel in their networks, they can control what users access, thus diverging from the basic principles that characterize the original model and architecture from the internet. I finished my participation in that project in 2016.

(Project number: 044690, year: 2015-2016)

College Assignments

Programming Languages

Do you want to see some of my code?

Please, go to my GitHub :)

Follow @rwfazul

Contact me!

If you want to contact me, please feel free to send me an e-mail.